
  • Design, User Interface, and User Experience  
  • Mobile & tablet responsiveness (CSS)
  • Call-to-actions
  • Site speed test
  • 3rd-party integrations

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • HTML mark-up (meta tags, <header> tags, etc …) 
  • Schema, rich snippets
  • Traffic levels, keywords, backlinks, opposition
  • Site speed vs. load time vs. exit rate

Internet Presence / Reputation / Exposure

  • Business listings (directories, websites, maps)
  • Reviews / online reputation
  • Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc…)

3 Business Practices to Evaluate

  • Services, products, revenue
  • Growth capacity and goals
  • Current “pain points”

Kayilan SEO Service Chennai approach works best if your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) basics are well. We help our clients get their on-site SEO up to speed. A thorough review of your Internet presence gives us a baseline and identifies chance. 

A good SEO drive needs to make the business money, right?

We study how your business kinds money. What products and services would benefit the most from our campaign? What business schemes need to integrate into the campaign for it to turn visitors into customers? Do we need to instrument unique tracking phone numbers, lead forms, or other tracking methods?